I created this discussion + voting because I have tried to look at OW from point of view of new user.
When you enter opi.wiki website you can see many topics, votings, discussions, items, users, etc. you can be a little bit confused by the amount of information you see.

What do you think about creating home page which would be a very short guide how to use OW.
I'm not thinking about creating very long essay about every aspect of site but only a few words about main options available on OW.

For example:

Hello you just entered Opi.Wiki which is special website that allows you to post opinions, vote and discuss.

At the begining you must know only 3 things:

You can vote in here [link]
You can discuss in here [link]
You can rate persons or things in here [link]

If you want more informations just enter opi.wiki info or opi.wiki help center

That's only exapmle how it could work but I think it would give to new user just a few basic informations how can he/she use this website.

If you have better ideas please post your opinions.

added by CzarodziejS
Yes I'm not sure No see voting resultssaving...
This discussion has been closed on Jun 11, 2015 - 07:03 pm as other.

Solved. A "welcome info" has been added to the home page.

2 opinions, 1 replies
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User voted Yes.
0 votes
Apr 3, 2015

I just figured out that it could be only statement which appears when we enter the site.

If someone will want to find out everything on his own he will close it.
If someone will be intrested by it he will enter one of links to discusions or to more info.
If someone will be already a user who knows everything he will select option don"t show this again.

User voted Yes.
main reply
0 votes,
Apr 3, 2015

I founded Netik also but not at first look at the site maybe he should be a little bit more noticable.

User voted No.
0 votes
Apr 9, 2015

No, there should not be a new home page of OpiWiki. I agree that an additional info to the "Netik frame" may be added to make the navigation more understandable for new users. And the "Netik frame" could be a little more visible.

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