1 vote
Oct 16, 2015

At first I wasn't sure about bolding keywords in items' description, but eventually I think it's a good idea. Will be added to our guidelines.

The birth date is useful for other pages, e.g. rating area. I know it's a bit redundant, but please keep adding it also to the description. I think it makes the description more encyclopedic, which works to the advantage of the site.

Right now, it's not an issue but that's only because OpiWiki doesn't have enough items. But, if the website is successful, it could be a big problem in the future.
Exactly because of this, this issue doesn't have the highest priority at the moment. Of course it will be much improved in the future. I will take your ideas into consideration.

I think the name info should be mandatory for ANY item.
I disagree on that. Barack Obama (politician) is collateral, superfluous. However, for some types for items, I agree that it would be good to add name info for all, e.g. for songs or music albums (as it has been). For now, please use the format according to our guidelines.

Issue #1: Seems like a bug, I'm unable to reproduce it. I'd need an additional info. What environment are you on?

Item description area
Issue #2: You're free to enlarge the area. It may vary accross the browsers, but in general just drag it with your mouse.
Big thanks for the great work you've already done. Keep it up.

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1 vote,
Oct 17, 2015

Oh well, it appears the brand new Microsoft Edge browser won't allow me to expand the box...

I'll try another browser at some point and give you the feedback on this... Issue #1 is probably also because of Edge.

Edit: Yep, it's an issue only found with Microsoft Edge.

Also, thanks to you for creating the website... I'm the kind of guy who loves filling up forms, surveys, etc. and this website has been a blessing for me - I've been bedridden almost all week long and didn't know what to do with my spare time.

I'm aware I still need to improve some of my work. I'll try to do better in the future. I think your website could potentially be the bane of other sites such as IMDB, Metacritic, etc. since it pretty much could do anything they can do, plus a lot more. We just need a bunch of dedicated users who are willing to spend time adding more depth to the whole database.

0 votes,
Oct 22, 2015

Thanks, I'll take a look into Edge and see what can be done with this bug. What surprises me though, is that a browser named "Edge" does not support such a basic function like textarea enlargement.

And again, the work you do is outstanding.

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